Учебник английского языка 9—10 классы. (Уайзер, Фоломкина, Климентенко.) 1980 год - старые учебники
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Назначение: УЧЕБНИК ДЛЯ 9—10 КЛАССОВ
Авторство: Гарри Михайлович Уайзер, Софья Кирилловна Фоломкина, Анна Давыдовна Климентенко
Формат: DjVu, Размер файла: 6.21 MB
9 класс
Lesson One
A Difficult Decision (text for rapid reading) 7
Holiday Plans 11
Homework 15
Lesson Two
How We Celebrated Mother's Day 18
The Six Robinsons and Their Guitar (text for rapid reading) 20
Homework 21
Sunday in England (text for reading with a dictionary) —
Lesson Three
How Must We Write the Date? (text for rapid reading) 23
The Passive 24
The Prefix un- 29
From the History of Communications: the Telephone 31
Homework 34
Lesson Four
The Diamond Maker 38
A Story (text for rapid reading) 42
Homework —
The Royal Society (text for reading with a dictionary) —
Lesson Five
A Funny Story (text for rapid reading) 45
Rockwell Kent's Gift 50
Homework 53
Lesson Six
Lispeth 56
Tea Leaves (text for rapid reading) 59
Homework —
Rockwell Kent and His Work (text for reading with a dictionary) 60
Lesson Seven
Participles 1 and П 64
Space Travel 68
Homework 71
The Oldest Plants and Animals (for written reproduction) —
Lesson Eight
Sunrise on the Moon 75
What Is the Moon Made of? (text for rapid reading) 78
Homework 1
Soviet Space Research (text for reading with a dictionary) 79
Lesson Nine
The Suffix -ing 83
The Suffix -al 84
Lenin’s Recommendation 85
Homework 88
A Clever Explanation (text for reading and retelling) 90
Lesson Ten
Lenin’s Books 92
How I Painted Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s Portrait 94
How Many Languages Can a Person Know? (text for rapid reading) —
Homework 97
The British Museum (text for reading with a dictionary) —
Lesson Eleven
The Use of the Gerund 101
Mark Twain: Biographical Notes №5
Homework 109
A Joke (text for reading and retelling) —
Lesson Twelve
The One-Million-Pound Bank-Note1 113
The Birthday Gift (text for rapid reading)
Homework, 120
Robert Burns (text for reading with a dictionary)
Lesson Thirteen
The Youth Movement Abroad (England, USA) 127
Homework 130
Lesson Fourteen
A Piece of Steak4 133
The Angry Fan (text for rapid reading) 137
Homework 138
On Hockey (text for reading with a dictionary) —
10 класс
Lesson One
My Home Town 147
Lesson Two
Place-Names 155
A Story (text for rapid reading) 158
Lesson Three
The Worker Poet 164
Lesson Four
Party Card 170
The Sea on Strike (text for rapid reading) 172
Lesson Five
From the History of Football 181
Lesson Six
Is He Living or Is He Dead? 188
Letson Seven
Ernest Hemingway 200
Lesson Eight
Hemingway and Schoolchildren 206
About Conan Doyle (text for rapid reading) 209
Stephen Leacock (text for reading with a dictionary) 210
Lesson Nine
Henry Cavendish and the Cavendish Laboratory 217
Lesson Ten
A Slip Under the Microscope 222
Pavlov’s Toy Dog (text for rapid reading) 227
Lesson Eleven
That Strange, Strange Moon
Lesson Twelve
Lenin in London
The History Examination
Lesson Thirteen
From the History of May Day
Lesson Fourteen
Additional Situations for Oral Speech Practice
Список нестандартных глаголов
Основные правила чтения
Англо-русский словарь
Русско-английский словарь
Скачать бесплатный учебник СССР - Учебник английского языка 9—10 классы. (Уайзер, Фоломкина, Климентенко.) 1980 года
★Все➙Учебники 9 класс, ★Все➙ Учебники 10 класс 11 класс, Все - Для учащихся старших классов