Учебник английского языка для 8 класса (Егунова, Прохорова, Рывкина) 1969 год - старые учебники
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Назначение: ДЛЯ 8 КЛАССА
Авторство: Наталия Александровна Егунова, Евгения Георгиевна Прохорова, Мария Яковлевна Рывкина
Формат: DjVu, Размер файла: 9.62 MB
1. Welcome to the 8th Form! 3
Joke 4
Two Friends Meet after Their Holidays. The First Ray (a joke) 4 Two Classmates are Talking 6
Exercises 6
2. English Schools 8
Exercises 11
Let’s Talk a Little 14
3. Pete Speaks English 18
Six Serving Men (a poem by R. Kipling) 20
Exercises 21
Let’s Talk a Little 25
Cherry Ripe. Part I (itext to be read at home) 27
4. At a Class Meeting 30
Exercises 33
Let’s Talk a Little 37
Cherry Ripe. Part II (text to be read at home) 39
Cherry Ripe {an English song) 41
Revision Lesson I 42
1) 42
2) The Holidays are Coming 42
3) Today and Yesterday 44
4) Joe Hill (an American union song) 45
5) In the Evening [a picture by N. M. Kolchitsky) 47
List of New Words (Lessons 1—4) 48
5. They Help Aunt Helen. The Poor Man and the Rich Man 50
Joke 52
Exercises 53
Let’s Talk a Little 57
6. We Stand for Peace 60
The Sword and the Sickle (a poem by William Blake) 62
Exercises 63
Let’s Talk a Little 66
The Absence of Mr. Glass (text to be read at home) 69
7. English Writers 71
He Knows Shakespeare (a joke) 75
Exercises 76
Let’s Talk a Little 80
King Lear (text to be read at home) 85
Revision Lesson II 88
1) A Happy New Year to You! 88
2) 89
3) Different Kinds of Calendar 91
4) A Happy New Year! (a poem) 92
5) Jingle, Bells (an American folk-song) 93
6) First Pronouncement of the Soviet Government (Decree on Peace) (a picture by Nikolai Osenev) 94
List of New Words (Lessons 5—7) 95
8. Nelly Sings over the Radio 96
Winter (ia poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley) 97
The Children of Far Distant Lands (an English song) 98
Exercises 100
Let’s Talk a Little 102
9. Robert Wood: A Wizard of the Laboratory 106
A Good Pupil (a joke) 108
Exercises 109
Let’s Talk a Little 113
Our Mutual Friend. Part I (after Charles Dickens; text to be read at home) 117
10. They Like the Theatre 119
Exercises 122
Let’s Talk a Little 124
Our Mutual Friend. Part II (text to be read at home) 130
11. Mike Speaks about the History of The Pickwick Papers 132
Exercises 134
Let’s Talk a Little 137
Our Mutual Friend. Part III {text to be read at home) 142
Revision Lesson III 144
1) 144
2) On Museums 144
3) The British Museum 146
List of New Words (Lessons 8 — 11) 147
12. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club 148
Joke 151
Exercises 151
Let’s Talk a Little 154
Our Mutual Friend. Part IV {text to be read at home) 160
13. April Days. Lenin’s Cherry Orchard 163
Exercises 166
Let’s Talk a Little 168
Our Mutual Friend. Part V {text to be read at home) 172
14. Uncle John’s Present. How We Tried to Buy Shoes 175
Exercises 177
Let’s Talk a Little 184
Our Mutual Friend. Part VI {text to be read at home) 189
Revision Lesson IV 191
2) They Talk of the Future 191
3) A Letter from Lucy Grant 192
4) Home, Sweet Home (an English song) 194
5) A picture 196
List of New Words (Lessons 12—14) 196
1. Past Indefinite Passive Voice (Lessons 4, 5) 197
2. Степени сравнения прилагательных 199
3. Местоимения
Личные и притяжательные 200
Some, any, по и сложные местоимения, от них образованные 200
4. Числительные 201
5. Образование причастий. Present Participle. Past Participle 202
6. Суффиксы а) имён существительных, б) имён прилагательных, в) наречий, г) имён числительных 202
7. Таблица «неправильных» глаголов, встречающихся в учебниках V—VIII классов 203
8. Таблица временных форм английского глагола 205
Англо-русский словарь 206
Русско-английский словарь 225
Скачать бесплатный учебник СССР - Учебник английского языка для 8 класса (Егунова, Прохорова, Рывкина) 1969 года
The school year has begun. Welcome to the 8th form! We hope you have not forgotten your English. Now tell your classmates about your summer holidays. Here are some questions that will help you:
1. Where were you this summer? (at a pioneer camp, in the country, on a collective farm...)
2. Had you any good friends there?
3. Did you stay in a beautiful place?
4. Was your house large or small?
5. Was there a garden round your house?
6. Did you work in the garden?
7. Was there a river or a lake near your house?
8. Did you learn to swim?
9. Can you swim well now?
10. Did you walk in the fields and in the forest?
11. Do you like to walk in the forest?
12. Did you go to any collective farms and help the farmers with their work?
13. Did you read any interesting books?
В английском языке слово country имеет два значения:
1. The U.S.S.R. is a country. England is a country.
2. The house is in the country; it is not in town.
Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):
1. What country are you from?
2. My grandfather has a nice little house in the country.
3. We shall go to the country this summer.
4. Our country is one of the largest countries in the world.
Lady: Are these eggs good? Shopkeeper: Oh, yes, they are just from the country. Lady: Yes, but what country?
a lady — дама a 'shopkeeper — лавочник
I. Read the following sentences and translate the words given in italics (Прочитайте следующие предложения и переведите выделенные слова).
1. When new pupils come to our school we say, “Welcome to our school!”
2. I am in the 8th “B” form. Jane and Alec are in the same form too. They are my classmates.
3. What’s a joke? — It’s something we say that makes people laugh.
4. When I like a book very much I say, “This is a wonderful book!” When I see a beautiful picture I say, “The picture is wonderful!” When we think of what Gagarin, Titov and other cosmonauts1 did we say, “Oh, that’s wonderful\n
5. We have many teachers, but only one of them is our form mistress. Nina Petrovna is our English teacher and she is our form mistress, too. She stays with us after school at our meetings; she helps us with our work.
II. You know five tenses. Write out from the texts on pages 3—5 five sentences illustrating the use of these tenses (Вы знаете пять грамматических времён. Выпишите из текстов на стр. 3—5 пять предложений с этими временами).
III. Answer the questions, using (употребляя) the new words from the texts.
Example (Пример): What do you think about Nina and Ann?
I think they will make friends.
1. Why is Nina Petrovna always at your class meetings?
2. Why are the children laughing? What did Mike tell them?
3. What do we say to the new pupils who come to our school?
4. Where do many children go (to) in summer?
5. What do we say when we like a film very much?
6. Who does Nick often play chess with?
IV. Translate into English:
1. Летом мы были в пионерлагере.
2. Мы ходили в колхоз и работали там.
3. Мы подружились с ребятами из колхоза.
4. Мы играли с ними в футбол и волейбол.
5. Возле нашего пионерлагеря было большое озеро.
6. Ты научился плавать? —Да.—Вот чудесно.
V. Tell about your summer holidays. The questions on page 3 will help you.