Учебник английского языка для 9 класса (Зарубин) 1968 год - старые учебники
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Назначение: ДЛЯ 9 КЛАССА
Авторство: Борис Ефимович Зарубин
Формат: DjVu, Размер файла: 6.18 MB
1. The Mist and All (a poem by Dixie Wilson) 3
Back at the Desks Again 4
Exercises 6
Now the Day Is Over (a song) 8
2. Exercises 9
Steve Comes to See Nick. Part I (a dialogue) 16
Steve Comes to See Nick. Part II (text to be read without the help of a dictionary) 21
3. The Plane Lands on a Rye Field 24
Exercises 30
Wednesday, April 12 (adapted from uRoad to the Stars” by Y, Gagarin; text to be read mthout the help of a dictionary) 34
4. Big Ben (text to be translated in written form) 37
Revision Lesson I 39
List of New Words (Lessons 1—4) 41
5. Exercises 42
Laura Comes to See Ann (a dialogue) 49
The Dog and Myself (after W. Dyer; text to be read without the help of a dictionary) 53
All Through the Night (a song) 56
6. Ballet Shoes. Part I 57
Exercises 62
Ballet Shoes. Part II (text to be read without the help of a dictionary) 67
Bridges (a poem by Edith Segal) 68
7. Racing in England (text to be translated orally) 69
Revision Lesson II 71
Peace and Friendship (text to be translated orally) —
The More We Get Together (a song) 74
To Further Success! (a poem by B. Z.) —
List of New Words (Lessons 5—7) 75
8. A Branch of Mistletoe (text to be translated in written form) 76 Exercises 77
9. Exercises 81
Dialogue 85
Vadim’s Letter to Gopal 86
10. The Cherry Tree. Part I (retold from Alfred Coppard) 89
Exercises 94
The Cherry Tree. Part II (text to be read without the help of a dictionary) 99
11. Text to be translated in written form 102
Revision Lesson III 103
A Trip to Canada. Part I 105
A Trip to Canada. Part II (text to be translated orally) 110
List of New Words (Lessons 8—11) 113
12. Bingo Comes to My Help. Part I (adapted from “Bingo, the Story
of My Dog" by Ernest Seton-Thompson) 114
Exercises 118
Bingo Comes to My Help. Part II (text to be read without the help of a dictionary) 124
13. At the Meeting of the School Sports Club 126
Exercises 128
14. A Present (by Boris Korotkov) 133
Exercises 135
15. Lenin in London (text to be translated orally) 139
Lives of great men (a poem by H. W. Longfellow) 141
Revision Lesson IV 142
List of New Words (Lessons 12—15) 149
1. The Past Continuous (Lesson 3) 150
2. The Past Perfect (Lesson 6) 151
3. The Future-in-the Past (Lesson 10) —
4. The Sequence of Tenses (Lesson 12) 152
5. Таблица «неправильных» глаголов, встречающихся в учебниках V—IX классов 153
6. Таблица временных форм английского глагола 155
Англо-русский словарь 156
Answer the following questions.
1. Do you do your morning exercises every day?
2. Do you do your morning exercises in the open air?
3. Do you first wash yourself and then do your morning exercises, or do you first do your morning exercises and then wash yourself?
4. Do you think that morning exercises are good for the health?
5. Do you enjoy good health?
6. What sport do you like best?
7. Do you go in for chess?
8. Where do you do your training?
9. Have you a good football team in your town (city)?
10. What do you call it?
11. Did the city’s team take part in the U.S.S.R. football championship? What place did it take?
12. Do you know which team won the world football championship last year?
13. Do you know the world record for the high jump and who set it?
14. Do you know the world record for the long jump and who set it?
VI. Look at the picture and tell the story.
Hurrah! Our team has won!
VII. Say in English:
1. 90% наших ребят занимаются спортом.
2. В нашей школе есть спортивный клуб.
3. Зимой мы занимаемся лыжным спортом, а летом—плаванием.
4. Команда школы № 5 — самая сильная волейбольная команда.
5. Многие из наших ребят играют в шахматы.
6. 30 ребят приняло участие в розыгрыше первенства школы по шахматам.
7. Олег Власов — чемпион школы по шахматам.
8. Вова Юдин хорошо прыгает. Я уверен, что он побьёт старый школьный рекорд по прыжкам.
9. Городской бассейн для плавания недалеко от нашей школы.
10. Наши пловцы ходят туда на тренировки. Вера Абрамова собирается улучшить свой рекорд по плаванию, и я уверен, что она сделает это.